Rules and Regulations
1) Every pupil must maintain punctuality and cleanliness.
2) No parents and guardians are allowed to see their wards during the school hours without permission of the principal.
3) There will be provision for awarding academic excellence, good conduct, co-curricular activities and good attendance.
4) 75% attendance is required for promotion to the next higher class.
5) Every pupil is required to bring the student record Book to school daily.
6) Every pupil should come to school in full uniform.
7) Weekly tests and terminal examinations will be held regularly and the marks obtained thereof will be taken into consideration for promotion.
8) Once admission is made, no claim of refunding the fees will be made.
9) Any damage done in class or school materials, will have to be made good by the student.
10) Valuable articles of any kind will not be allowed in the school
11) Text Books and writing aids ( Exercise Books, Pencil, Eraser and Crayon) will be made available for procurement from the school.
12) Occasional reports and notices from teachers are made in the student’s diary. Parents are requested to sign them as proof that they are informed of them.
13) In case of the loss of progress report, a new progress report will be issued on payment of a fine of Rs.30/- ( Rupees thirty only).
14) On first working day of the school, after any vacation students have to be present failing which a fine of 3/- ( Rupees three only) will be levied unless prior intimation is given)
15) Parents are expected to see that their wards regularly prepare their lessons and do their home work. Students found negligent in doing the same will not be allowed to sit in the class.
16) Pupils should regularly attend their classes. In case of absence they must bring a letter of explanation from their parents.
17) Except for reason of ill health and unavoidable circumstances, all request for leaves must be made in writing to the Principal and submitted personally at least 2 or 3 days before the desired date of leave. The reason(s) for the request as well as the duration of the leave must be stated in full.
18) Any pupil found absent for one calendar month without special written permission or medical grounds will be debarred from attending the class. Such an absentee upon special permission from principal may be readmitted with the provision that he will have to pay fresh admission fee and other charges for the period of absence.
19) In case of absence on medical grounds pupil is required to produce a medical certificate from registered medical practitioner on the day of joining of school.
20) A pupil who fails twice in the same class will not be retained in the school.
21) At the first warning bell all classes must come immediately for the assembly in the place assigned for each class and at the second bell, all recite the prayers.
22) After the assembly prayers pupils led by the class teachers must got to their respective class room in order and strict silence.
23) During the absence of the teachers, the monitor will be responsible for the order and discipline of his / her class.
24) When a teacher or a superior enters a class-room the students must stand up and remain standing till they are asked to sit down. When the attendance roll is called each student must get up and respond in a very polite manner.
25) Running, playing or shouting inside the school building are not allowed.
26) While moving along the corridor and when leaving the classes after the school hours pupils must observe silence and walk in a single line.
27) All should be particular about not to throw any paper, plastic etc.. anywhere in the school premises.
28) Each and every student should Endeavour to keep up the high tone of the school, by excelling in good manners and department. Hence for smooth running of the school no student is allowed to bring into the school any object liable to prove a source of disturbance e.g. knives, scissors, mobile phone or any modern gadgets.
29) No pupil is allowed to occupy the chairs meant for the teachers.
30) No visitors ( parents or others ) are allowed to see the pupils or interview the teacher during class hours without permission of the PRINCIPAL. No pupil shall leave the school premises without PRINCIPAL’S permission.
31) No student will be allowed to bring any coins from home.
32) Frequent absence, neglect of Home work, disrespect or disobedience to the teachers and the staff and delinquency justify dismissal.